So I'm here. This is me. In Arezzo. The Tuscan valley is so beautiful from above and on a clear day, you can see life happening for miles upon miles and just imagine the things that people are doing. I imagine little conversations, when I see cars, I pretend to know where they're going if they're in a rush or whatever. It's really beautiful everywhere I turn.
So my second day of orientation came and went and we got the chance to tour the city. It has so much history tied to it (as with everything, I guess) but it feels like a special kind of history for some reason. The third largest Roman amphitheatre was in Arezzo but was destroyed and its remnants were used to build a great big wall. I love how things are recycled; unlike the US as a big industrial country, when we destroy things, they're gone forever and ever. Here, you can find the remains of what you were looking for elsewhere. It looks the same on purpose and it's because people care about where they came from. They don't try to over industrialize here and it's so refreshing. I feel like I'm on a different planet.
In the mornings it's so beautiful to watch the city being awakened by the sun. It's such an alive place where people walk and converse and look at each other on the street. They are mesmerized and are curious at what they see...not just with us because we are Americans...but with everything because they are observant. So much of that is lost in today's world because we care about our own space and our own time and neglect to take a moment to connect and acknowledge other life forms that exist in the same time and plane as we do. It's fascinating, really.
We've also started classes, which are really intense. I'm sore in every muscle on my body and my feet are blessed with blisters already. Right now, the theatre children are taking a movement class which incorporates acrobatics and weight sharing. It is so much fun; hard stuff, but crazy fun. I don't worry so much about not being able to walk and typing right now is actually screwing with the entire rest of my body. We're in the beginnings of hand-stands, cartwheels, as well as doing some kind of body roll over a partners back. I love this kind of collaboration because you really have to tune in to the people around. We touched on some Anne Bogart and did some really quick group stopping and starting. Yesterday we had two people back to back, lifting each other and doing sort of a pendulum type motion where it went from one partner carrying weight immediately to the next. It was so much fun. No major injuries occured and I'm trying new things that I never even knew existed. Exciting!
So despite my exhaustion, I'm having a good time, opening myself up, documenting my experience, here and on my journal. If I could figure out how to put more pictures on this stupid thing, I would.